Monday, January 28, 2008

The self-proclaimed best Mexican food in Gabs (or: What Rebeca's missing while she's home in Boston for a month, part 1)

Mexican food doesn't exist in Gaborone. If you ask a local where you can find Mexican food, they'll point you to a chain restaurant called Spur that serves your typical generic grilled meat and, paradoxically, has a Native American mascot decked out with a full Apache-style headdress. Needless to say, the locals have no idea what Mexican food is.

However, one day our good friend Rebeca informed us that she had found canned refried beans at one of the larger local supermarkets! So, thrilled with this discovery, we have attempted to re-create some semblance of one of our favorite cuisines and to help us along, Shanthi has taken it upon herself (in the theme of acquiring new life skills) to perfect the technique of making flour tortillas from scratch. Sadly, we can't find lime-treated corn meal here and we do not quite know how to turn regular corn meal into lime-corn meal for corn tortillas, so we're restricted to flour tortillas. In any case, here's the spread we made recently for dinner with Rim.
From top left, going clockwise: fresh flour tortillas, sauteed corn and zucchini, mango-cilantro salsa, roasted peppers and onions, refried beans (from a can), sage and garlic roasted potatoes, cheese.


C.N. said...

I helped make the mango salsa! It was REALLY good!
How come the picture of mango crumble didn't make it?

Unknown said...

Keep up the excellent work on the life skills we can all enjoy